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Working Papers:


1) Attanasi, G., Buljat Raymond, B., Festré, A. and A. Guido (2023), Augmented reality technology as a tool for promoting pro-environmental behavior and attitudes, GREDEG WP No. 2023-15, Université Côte d'Azur.


2) Attanasi, G., Farvaque, E., Hizen, Y., Kamijo, Y. and M. L. Signore (2024), More uncertainty, more sincere voting? Experimental evidence on the neglected role of primary elections, CIMEO Working Paper


3) Attanasi, G., Maffioletti, A., Papini, G., Sbriglia, P. and M.L. Signore (2023), Beyond the threshold: how electoral size-dependent uncertainty affects majority determination, GREDEG Working Paper 2023-12, Université Côte d’Azur.


4) Attanasi, G., Nese, A., Sbriglia, P. and L. Senatore (2024), Earthquakes and Intertemporal Preferences: A field study in Italy, CIMEO Working Paper.


5) Attanasi, G., Battigalli, G., Manzoni, E. and R. Nagel (2023), Disclosure of Belief-Dependent Preferences in the Trust Game, IGIER Working Paper 506, Bocconi University. [Revised & Resubmitted to Economic Theory]


6) Attanasi, G., Bortolotti, S., Cicognani, S. and A. Filippin (2023). The Drunk Side of Trust: Generalized and Instantaneous Trust at Gathering Events. Available at SSRN 4579963. [Revised & Resubmitted to Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics]


7) Attanasi, G., Chessa, M., Gil-Gallen, S. and E. Manzoni (2022), Bargaining with confirmed proposals: an experimental analysis of tacit collusion in Cournot and Bertrand duopolies, Working Paper [Experimental Instructions

[Revise & Resubmit asked by Experimental Economics]


8) ​Attanasi, G., Cox, J. and V. Sadiraj (2022), Festival Games: Inebriated and Sober Altruists, GREDEG Working Paper 2022-39, Université Côte d’Azur [Revise & Resubmit asked by Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics]


9) ​Attanasi, G., Ballatore, M., Chessa, M., Ciucani, C. and S. Gil-Gallen (2022), La Notte della Taranta under the shadow of COVID-19, GREDEG Working Paper 2022-38, Université Côte d’Azur.


10) Attanasi, G., Ballatore, M., Chessa, M., Festré, A., and C. Ouangraoua, (2021). Choice Determinants of a Smart Contract vs. Ambiguous Expert-Based Insurance: An Experiment (No. 2021-41). Groupe de REcherche en Droit, Economie, Gestion (GREDEG CNRS), Université Côte d'Azur.


11) Attanasi, G., Chessa, M., Ciucani, C. and S. Gil Gallen (2020), Children's GrI-Creativity: Effects of Limited Resources in Creative Drawing," GREDEG Working Papers 2020-34, Université Côte d’Azur.


12) Attanasi, G., Curci, Y., Llerena, P. and G. Urso (2019), Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Motivators on Creative Collaboration: The Effect of Sharing Rewards, GREDEG Working Papers 2019-20.


13) Attanasi, G., Curci, Y., Llerena, P., Pinate, A. C., del Pino Ramos-Sosa, M. and G. Urso (2019), Looking at Creativity from East to West: Risk Taking and Intrinsic Motivation in Socially and Culturally Diverse Countries, GREDEG Working Papers 2019-21.


14) Attanasi, G. and A. Montesano (2017), The Value of Endogenous above Exogenous Information in Irreversible Environmental DecisionsWP 10.01.307, LERNA, University of Toulouse.

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