The topic of the 3rd Workshop on Psychological Game Theory (July 25-27, 2018) will be “Emotions and Economic Theory”, so as to commemorate the 20th anniversary of Jon Elster’s (1998) seminal article. In this survey paper, Elster (1998) argues that a key characteristic of emotions is that ‘they are triggered by beliefs’ (p. 49). He discusses, inter alia, anger, hatred, guilt, shame, pride, admiration, regret, rejoicing, disappointment, elation, fear, hope, joy, grief, envy, malice, indignation, jealousy, surprise, boredom, sexual desire, enjoyment, worry, and frustration. This article has brought key ideas to the field of psychological games, stimulating psychological-game (theoretical and experimental) works in the last 20 years.
In this regard, the aim of the 3rd Workshop on Psychological Game Theory would be bringing together psychologists and game theorists, so as for the former to provide the latter with hints about how to model new belief-dependent emotions (new with respect to those already studied in behavioral game theory, e.g., guilt aversion, intention-based reciprocity, frustration and anger). Furthermore, cognitive neuroscientists will help triangulate the neural, psychological, and economic bases of belief-dependent emotions.
To submit a paper for the workshop email a pdf of the abstract or full paper to by 30th April 2018
List of accepted papers will be published on-line by 15th May 2018
Max number of accepted presentations in semi-plenary sessions: 40
The workshop fee is 200 €
The workshop has received funding from:
IAREP (International Association for Research in Economic Psychology) and SABE (Society for the Advancement in Behavioral Economics).
The 1st Workshop on Psychological Game Theory has been organized in June 2016 (University of Gothenburg).
The 2nd Workshop on Psychological Game Theory has been organized in July 2017, University of East Anglia, Norwich).
As for the 3rd edition of the Workshop, there will be three types of presentations, aimed at allowing leading researchers to discuss and argue about frontier issues in psychological game theory:
1) Keynote lectures, by scholars who have made fundamental contributions to the field:
Pierpaolo Battigalli (Bocconi University and IGIER)
Gary Charness (University of California Santa Barbara) [IAREP special lecture]
Martin Dufwenberg (University of Arizona & University of Gothenburg)
2) Special lectures, by senior scholars bringing new ideas and indicating directions to the field:
Giorgio Coricelli (University of Southern California, Los Angeles)
Werner Güth (LUISS Rome & Max Planck Institute Bonn)[SABE special lecture]
Christian Ruff (University of Zurich)
Marie-Claire Villeval (University of Lyon)
3) Semi-plenary sessions (by, at most, 40 presenters replying to the call for papers) including a wide range of talks, from experimental work to fundamental theoretical work, with an interdisciplinary approach.
Thus, in addition to keynote speakers, the workshop will bring together the next generation of psy-games scholars. Graduate students attending the summer school will therefore enjoy interacting with junior and senior researchers working in the field.